"I am so grateful for what you guys do. I am surprised more people don’t reach out! About a year ago, my furbaby Kara started losing weight. She began eating everything in sight, had bad diarrhea, and her tummy constantly grumbled. I could tell she was in pain just by looking at her. She stopped eating her food, so thinking she might have been reacting to it, I put her on a chicken and veggie diet. She ate every last bit, and it helped make her stool thicker, which was great, but no matter how much I fed her, she still lost weight and never seemed satisfied. One day, she even ate rocks because she was so hungry. By this time, she had lost so much weight that I could see all her bones, and it really seemed like she didn’t have much time left. The first enzymes I found were so expensive, and while I would do anything to make her better, it was a huge monthly cost on top of the special food and other expenses. My sister-in-law told me about Pan-tenex. I decided to try it to see if it helped her. Kara started gaining weight immediately, and her tummy troubles went away. She stopped scavenging for food, and before I knew it, she had gained her weight back and was back to normal. I went from feeling helpless and stressed about affording her care to being relieved that I found something within my budget that actually made her better. I am so grateful for Pan-tenex. Thank you so much for providing an affordable product for Kara!"