"Our 10 month old GSD Charlie had reached 39 kg and was doing great, then the yellow cow patties started. First thought was a parasite, so he was wormed. Another week no change. At this point he was eating 10 cups of food per day and looked great other than the yellow cow pies, but started to be food aggressive. I found a picture of EPI poop on the web and suggested to vet. Off goes a sample to TLI test, another week not conclusive. By this time we had weighed him 33 kg, he hid the weight loss behind his long coat well. Raw food, probiotics and still no real change. After an exhausting month off to a specialist in a larger center, confirmed EPI - recommends B12 shots and get your enzymes off the internet out of the USA, Pan-tenex. I'm happy to report after 2 days his stools firmed up with just 1/2 teaspoon of Pan-tenex and now after 2 weeks his weight is up to 38 kg. It felt like months of not knowing as EPI just isn't well known in our area of Canada. We are happy that we caught this as early as we did and are very grateful that we can get Pan-tenex in Canada. For the Canadians reading the UPS brokerage fess are very reasonable. It was great to be able to phone you and get the dose requirements explained. Thank you, Pantenex has saved our Charlie."
Ray and Paula