"About a year ago, my dog began to have gastrointestinal issues. I changed him to a grain-free diet, which seemed to help at first. However, he started losing weight. He had dropped from 75 to 63 pounds. Over the next several months, he continued having digestive issues, with runny and cow pie stools. By July, we could see his ribs, spine, and hips, so we went to another vet, and he was a mere 51 pounds. After doing research, I came across Pan-tenex and decided to give it a try. We are so happy to have him stable again! He was struggling in July, and now here we are in December with a happy, thriving boy! We just weighed in at 70 pounds at the vet the other day, and he hasn’t had loose stools since we started using Pan-tenex. The transition was as smooth as we could have hoped for!"